Pei Hsun Kao
Co-founder of Argoblocks.com, Director at Dott.Domainshttps://twitter.com/PeiHsunKao
Pei is an advocate and community member of Bitcoin and decentralized DNS (Handshake).
He is the cofounder and chief investment officer at Argoblocks consulting. He developed an investment thesis on censorship-resistant technologies based on his past 8 years research, and wrote the book “The Search for Black Swans”.
He is also the founder and director of Dott Domians, which is a blockchain registry providing services including domain registration, TLD resale agency, and blockchain domain promotion in Taiwan. A collection of Handsahke TLDs from Dott Domains is already available for registration on registrars as Namecheap, Porkbun, EnCirca.
Since 2014, His interests in algorithms, technology trends and investing have led him to invest in Bitcoin. This journey brought him into deep understanding of blockchain technology and its potential. With deep knowledge on Bitcoin, He developed the framework for long-term blockchain investment to find the future super dominant protocol.