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The Ring Chapters & Organizers
Discover your niche within a welcoming Handshake community of local chapter organizers who resonate with your interests. Get acquainted with these dynamic individuals, forming connections with like-minded peers who share similar aspirations and objectives.
Steven Mckie
General Partner, Amentum Capital
Paul Singh
Alex Migliarini
Pei Hsun Kao
Co-founder of, Director at Dott.Domains
Arrene Ng
Cofounder, Augury/
Sajan Nair
Founder, Agaamin Technologies
Margie Feng
Marketing Manager, BITMAIN
Michael Michelini
Founder, SkyInclude
Nole Opperman
Founder, Hey tx
About Handshake Rings
Exploring the World of Handshake Rings
Rings are powerful groups of HNS and dweb enthusiasts who meet in local areas on a regular basis. They have the important job to ensure the next wave of the internet is free and open, and discuss important matters as well as socialize and building up stronger relationships.
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